Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunny Days

Here we are outside in the front yard, enjoying the sun shine. Megan got a new bathing suit, and yes, it's a bikini. Daddy says only because your 5, but not when your 15. It was just too cute to pass up for $5. Megan and Daddy did water balloons. It was pretty fun. I was in charge of filling them. The bucket was always empty.

Timothy wanted to stand. And he was so funny about it, I was taking pictures while he was trying. Hence the one hand we have going here. I didn't drop him. He's pretty good on his two feet. And yes, that would be 7 teeth you see, but actually there are 8. We just had another pop up. It's pretty hard to see here.

Now, is this not the sweetest face ever. He was just so happy to be sitting in his space with his toys. He went from sitting to tummy to moving in circles, to sitting again.

And this picture is for all of you that have recently seen it developed and mentioned to me that his face looks longated. Here's the original. You tell me. It was just the smile he had with his scrunchy nose. And I thought it was one of the cutest. But of course....

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