Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We are OK!

We'll, being without internet for days has been terribly difficult. On the bright side, this is the only thing we "lost" during the storm. Our neighbors just across the street lost power and all around us as well. We were about 1/10 blocks that didnt lose power in Mt Prospect. We did however, loan our generator and had extention cords running from our house to 3 houses to save their basements from flooding and fridges. They were finally able to "stand on their own" late Sunday night.
I'm updating this quickly to tell you all that we are doing just fine. Even went to the pool tonight for a bit of a break. It's quite hot here today. Expecting more storms tomorrow, just praying it's nothing like last Thursday. I've got a bunch of pictures to share with you, but that will have to wait till tomorrow as they are all on the computer upstairs.

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