Thursday, July 17, 2008

a little VBS

For the first time in many year, our parish hosted VBS. VBS is vacation bible school and is for elem age groups with volunteers of all ages. There was a mention of a meeting to have VBS at SR some time ago, and I showed up to the meeting, very excited and eager to have it at SR. Some how (wink wink) I ended up running the show. It was not my plan, and I kept asking who was going to be the coordinator, and it just kept going.. then one day, "well, I thought you could run it". So of course, I did gladly. I was concerned, only because I had never done it before. Megan has attended many, but I've never seen the logistics of VBS. Now that it is over, I can say with a smile, that I'll do it again next year. Timmy, bare with me honey.

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