Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sammy Girl

Today (Saturday) was our Sammy girls last day here with us. It was her time and we miss her so much. She had 2 seizures in the last few weeks, and has just been down hill from there. She was very weak in the legs and having trouble getting around. She was was not herself. These last few days I was talking with the vet daily with updates to see what our next steps were. We tried to make her as comfortable as possible. We now are positive she had a brain tumor. I have photos to share and will upload them soon. Samantha Rae (Flusche) Sulak, Red Golden Retriever born on Oct 13, would have been 14 this year. I purchased her from a breeder when I was in HS in AZ at 8 weeks old. Todd and I have been sharing stories of when he met her, and how she was welcomed to the IL family so warmly. That's the kind of love she shared. She was a great dog.

1 comment:

Connie said...

So sorry for this sad news. That's exactly what happened with my Zoe--seizures and a real slow down in her ability to get around. It's such a hard decision to make, but it's ultimately the most selfless thing you can do, to not leave them suffering. Hang on to those good memories! Dogs are such special members of the family.