Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mt Prospect FD Open House

FF POC Todd Sulak give us a tour of the "house".

He was so excited! He was working the OH along with many others. This was his break time and gave us a tour.

This view overlooks the train station. It's an awesome balcony/patio. Too bad the FF cannot use it. Can you believe someone actually called into the FD/PD and said they were making too much noise. It didnt look like they were "working". The FF were cooking dinner on the grill vs in the kitchen enjoying each others company on the balcony.

Some people I just dont understand.

This is inside the trailer they use to show kids/families safety tips. Here we are in the "kitchen". Dont touch the stove/oven. How do you call for help....

Then it was off to a bedroom example where FF Todd explained how to stay safe if the door is hot, dont open it. Stay low to the ground. Good teacher!

It's hard to tell here, but he's on his knees the whole time he's talking to the kids/parents. His legs were SO very sore the next day. Nextime, I think he'll take turns with the kitchen or maybe get firepole duty?

Megan was so excited about Todd being a part of this whole deal. She ended up "working" with daddy. Here she is telling the people in line about the demontrations they had earlier with a fire of a living room with and without sprinklers. Next time you see her, ask her about it. She was so adult about her conversation!

And of course we ran into SO many friends. below here is Cathrine and her 2 sisters.

Mr Miller. He's on the POCs and a fire investigator for MP. Megan triped and skinned her knee. He came to the rescue!
The Morrisons and Kalinowski's!
and neighbors McCarrons down below. It was a fun day!

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